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Securing the New Normal: A Perspective on Managing the Risks of Remote Work
Working from home has many upsides. But it also opens the door for cybercrime. How many individuals and businesses have spent enough time thinking about managing their assets through a cybersecurity lens? Laptops, smartphones and other mobile devices are all at risk.
Secrets from cybersecurity pros: How to create a successful employee training program
Educating staff on security practices is crucial to keeping an organisation safe. Find out about the necessary components of cybersecurity training programs and how they can help businesses retain staff and provide them with a new and exciting career path.
Protecting small business against cyber attacks during COVID-19
There has been a jump in malicious cyber activity since the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis, and small and medium sized businesses are not immune. The Australian Cyber Security Centre has advice on how SMEs can better protect themselves.
Coronavirus Victims of a Different Nature: the Targets of COVID-19 Cyberthreats
Fraudsters are on the rise, distributing misinformation and fake safety advice, sometimes with malware, requesting personal data and trying to convince people to perform financial transactions, often through fake COVID-19 cures.